DupWorld Foundation
Driven by a commitment to global education, the founders of DupWorld project plans to establish the DupWorld Foundation to advance global education initiatives, and expand access to learning opportunities for all.
The World Problem
There are countless individuals, particularly in underdeveloped countries, who still lack access to adequate education due to economic hardships. Many cannot afford to pay for quality education, leaving them at a significant disadvantage.
Our Mission
We believe education is a fundamental right. We will utilize our funding to develop an online education platform that provides free access to courses and learning materials for users worldwide. Our primary objective is to support underprivileged and disadvantaged individuals globally in improving their education at no cost. This initiative represents a highly valuable investment, as the usage of these courses and materials can scale exponentially, benefiting thousands and eventually reaching millions.
Sources of Funding
Our primary funding sources include DupWorld Inc. and Dupkin Character, which is overseen by its appointed manager. The DupWorld platform allocates 10% of its revenue to support our initiative. In addition, each January 2, Dupkin Character contributes 10% of the funds in its wallet to our cause. We are committed to using these resources responsibly and effectively to develop a cutting-edge online education platform.
Contact US
If you are interested in helping us, you can donate funds to operate and improve the FREE online education platform for all. Please contact us at [email protected].